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Planned Giving

There are several tools of charitable gift planning: personal property, real estate and assets, stocks and securities, retirement account funds, insurance policies, or you may choose to leave a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate.

Bequests and Estate Plan Gifts

A bequest is a gift, personal property or money, left to an individual or organization through the arrangement of a will or estate plan.  By including language in your will, living trust or estate plan, you can make a bequest to Brescia University.

A bequest to Brescia University can be made for a specific dollar amount, for a percentage of your estate, or for all or a portion of what is left after you have taken care of the financial needs of your loved ones.

Life Insurance or Retirement Accounts

You can also designate Brescia as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account.  To do so, you will need to contact your life insurance company or retirement plan administrator and request the applicable beneficiary designation form.  If you would like to select a specific purpose, project, or scholarship to support with your gift, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement for assistance in writing a letter to include with your policy or account.

Planning Your Bequest

When planning for your gift, we would like you to reflect on the purpose of your gift, and to choose an area to support that you are passionate about.  Any gift can be given in an unrestricted capacity, which allows the University to allocate the resources to its most pressing needs.  Unrestricted bequests allow the University the flexibility to meet current and future needs as they arise.  A restricted gift is directed towards a specific goal, fund, or purpose.  You may choose to support a specific scholarship, academic program, capital building project, faculty position or specific programs or divisions with a restricted gift.  If restricting your gift, you may wish that the funds be expendable, or used entirely within a relatively short period of time. Your restricted gift may also be used to create or support an endowed fund, which are investments which create a perpetual legacy of income used to carry out the designated purpose of the fund.

Let us Thank You!

If you have included Brescia University in your estate or other long term financial plans, please let us know.  It is important to us that we understand the purpose of your gift and follow your wishes. We would like to include you in our prayers of thanksgiving, and if you wish, recognize your generosity by including you in our Society of Saint Angela Merici. 


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